Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's Been a long Time!

I know I know you haven't heard from me in months but you could called just as fast as I could have. Let's not drag the family reunion song out. I've
been around in & out of venues
( Aug thursday 18,2011 Natsumi I luv da 80's & friday Peekskill- HOLLAR) but also I've been listen to new music. I went to this reunion conversation earlier this year between 9th wonder and Phonte (Yeah). 9th had mentioned these two young rapper, I think their names were Lil b and Tyler the Creator. For some reason I remember there names and I went out and found their music on itunes looked both of them are really reckless with their word play and topic's. But Tyler the creator seem to be more in tune musicaly. I'm still going to listen to lil B stuff.
Tyler the Creator Goblin cd on a rating from 1 to 10 I give it a 8. I felt his issues, luv his delivery and his production was cool too. He seemed to had mention his dad and mom in every other song. But it was really refreshing to hear someone rhyme about their own view's and imagination. I'm glad I bought the actual cd instead of itunes.
Goblin track list

1. Goblin
2. Yonkers
3. Radicals

4. She
5. Transylvania

6. Nightmare
7. Tron Cat
8. Her
9. Sandwitches (feat. Hodgy Beats)
10. Fish
11. Analog (feat. Hodgy Beats)
12. BSD (feat. Jasper Dolphin & Taco)
13. Window (feat. Domo Genesis, Frank Ocean, Hodgy Beats, & Mike G)
14. AU79
15. Golden

Tyler the Creator reminded me of a young Redman with his dialog with himself throughout the cd and imagination. I'm looking forward to hearing him in the future and im now on prowl for some of his older music. wolfgang Ps listen to new current and old artist it builds character!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Do you like it? Why must it happen? Is it necessary? Yes! That's why this will be my last post like this.

Thank You

William Shakesphere

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I love being 34. I would like to thank all my family, friends and haters for all the support. In 34 years I have learned life is short and to live it to the fullest. My Best (est) friends in the whole wide world took me to Sunburt Cow in Alphabet City NYC for bottomless brunch. Service was good, the food was good but it wasn't a fat boy portion. The only bad thing was the size of the venue and the large crowd in it but Dj Daddy-O did his thing. Then I got my pool shark on (billiard @Amsterdam Billiards). As usual I was kicking booty and I got to watch the Game there (Green and Yellow, Green and Yellow, Green and Yellow). I am very blessed to have these people in my life.

Baby Cakes, Talley, Danny, Yadi, DW, Moe and Every one else
Love u Guys and I love Mama

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Struggle Vs Hustle WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?

Do you know difference between the two. I have realize that the hustle can take away from the struggle. Even though when you think of someone hustling, they are trying to make better for them self, but can the struggle be prominent in a person's life who hustles. We all need to make a living but at what cost. Society tells us we need certain luxuries to be happy or even comfortable. As I'm getting older my wants has become needs. As a black man born and raised in the USA, I cannot turn my back to my ancestors' but I must live for the future. In the year 2011 I realized that I am going have to take the struggle approach towards the music world. I have created an environment where people can come out party with the love of music and I call it Earclectic Soul. Earclectic Soul is what I have created to tell the masses that I wasn't born in a box and genres are just stereotypes. Music is a human form of expression regardless of what instrument is being played or whomever is singing.

If you don't stand for something you'll fall for any thing

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Talley B Day

Dammit I had fun with my friends @bar 13. I so needed that night out. My place has seem to be keeping me hostage lately. Butt I'm free now. Thank You Talley ! Now I know what I must do

Drink anyone

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Willie burger's

I made my famous Willie burger last night for dinner and my wife never thought I could burn as well as I do (I know I feeling Myself ). I think I should have been a chef in another life. I have been cooking every weekday since the beginning of the year. I'm enjoying it but damn those dishes! It should be a law if you eat from it you wash it. I would continue to type but I got to do dishes.......................

Ahhh Damn

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Martin the Luther the King Day

I don't think he wanted a National Holiday. He wanted justice and equality in America. Which hasn't been achieved yet and the government has convinced the Black society that there is no need for a movement. Money, fame and being selfish has become the new dream of Black America by any means necessary. I can go on for days about how America treated Africans but just don't forget where we came from, where we are and where we are going!


Monday, January 17, 2011


I'm not really that religious dude so you won't be hearing too many amens' and preacher quotes from me. But I took my uncle to see the Green Hornet movie. (Family means allot to me) It's one of those films where the budget was spent on the action scene and look of the movie. The plot and premiss of the movie was very corny. It had it's funny moments but it sucked. The only interesting that I found out about the Green Hornet through my uncle is the original Kato was Bruce Lee. Other than spending time with my uncle, it was a waste of time.

It's Morning Time

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I finally figured out where every body has been Wood Jesus piece. The company is called Good Wood. I really don't like to keep up with the Jones but this item has caught my attention. I never claimed to be a religious man so yo won't catch me with that piece but they do custom pieces. I want logo or my face as my piece. So this entry has to be cont...


Friday, January 14, 2011

I want to be Singer when I grow up

I had a great time tonight@ Sugar bar. I got the chance to spin my classics music. Yeah! but it was a open mic, so they had Spoken word artist and singers perform. Every thing was going great until the dudes got stage singing love ballads. The woman started turned into wolves hooting and hollering for the singers. I started feel some kinda way like, why aren't their know body screaming when I putting their favorite record on. They're dancing but I was impressed by wild, uncontrollable women. Hmmmnn may be I should have join the church choir.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

So what I'm Late

Aloe Blacc a young new old artist sign to indie label called Stone Throw Records. I notice his song on a certain channel I will not mention (Centric-Bet/I know I know I'm not hater though ). During a 45 second commercial illustrating new soulful artist. Before I continue I must say that I dislike the word Neo-Soul but that a hole other blog. "I Need A Dollar" is Aloe Blacc first single (off this album) and song that caught my attention. The chorus is very catchy and he has deep voice similar to Anthony Hamilton. The video is as dope as the song, it takes place in HARLEM OOOWWWW. ( Please Excuse me I had a moment) While watching it I felt as if the present time had its own renaissance movement going on. While doing my research on this young man, i come to find out he has been out for several years. ( Dah what kind of DJ am I ) With this new discover of talent I would suggest that you give Aloe Blacc a listening too. It's always refreshing to hear someone to put out heart filled and fun music into to world.

Roger that

Aloe Blacc

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

As The World Turns

Is there progress made every day or per week? How can you measure it? Writing a blog every day is very challenging me, I feel like I'm critique my daily goals. Which can be kind of a premature look towards my life of success. Today I turn on the radio to Power 105 and I learned that my services were needed. As long as there are Dj's out there who don't care about their craft. The jobs will be available but I have to learn how take them.

To be or Not To........... Hey there is no in my world just aNother option !

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Music Makes the World Go Around: The Game

Music Makes the World Go Around: The Game: "OK I'm feeling better but I haven't change the world. I've allow my self to get distracted by any and everything. I haven't move into atta..."

The Game

OK I'm feeling better but I haven't change the world. I've allow my self to get distracted by any and everything. I haven't move into attack mode yet. I 'm still in a very melancholy approach, like I know what I am doing. Where's a fire when you need one. Before I left the plantation, one of piers challenge me to be on somebody radio station in 6 months. I know it possible but not like this!

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Monday, January 10, 2011


In the last week I've submitted several mixes to different venues and I haven't receive any feedback. I know there's hundreds of Dj's in NYC but i'm better than them. ( That's Right I Said it) My next position is hitting the streets. I think I've been taking it light for the first week. This first week has felt like a long one but i looking forward to this week........................

Wu-tang loves the Children

I'm Ill

Not feeling any better but when the tuff get going the going gets tough

You can't win Rocky

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Somebody call a doctor please

First thing first pause I've been feel like something stuck in my throat all day. I don't have the slightest idea whats wrong with me. I never felt like this before. I didn't really feel up to typing but I promised myself.

I hate doctors..................... kidding

Friday, January 7, 2011

Music Makes the World Go Around: The Truth Will Set You Free?

Music Makes the World Go Around: The Truth Will Set You Free?: "Today I learned that communication is tougher and harder than love ( lol it's starting to feel like diary). No body wants to be wrong, in th..."

The Truth Will Set You Free?

Today I learned that communication is tougher and harder than love ( lol it's starting to feel like diary). No body wants to be wrong, in their own or others eyes. I don't know why the truth is a hard thing to swallow. I pride myself on being a truthful person (thats why I tend look straight into a persons eye when I'm having a conversation). When I tell a story I give both sides of the story. So why do people try tell a story they leave out the most important part of the story to make them self look better. If your wrong say your wrong and embrace it. Don't run from it.

No Justice No Peace

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nothing has change

Even though my job has changed, I still feel like I'm still on the same schedule. For some reason after dinner I'm always ready to close my eyes. I haven't embrace the hustle yet to it fullest, yes I have taken some initiative to practice and record mixes but it's not totally ready yet. I know what you are saying to yourself as you are reading this may be I'm being kind of hard on myself. I'm not trying to be an ordinary musician (DJ). You know the type that break in, then forgets the struggle. My Name Shakesphere which stands for shake the world through the universal language. It's my destiny!

Captain Out

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Independence Day

Can you share a dream? I use to believe that you could but today(yesterday), I realize that dreams are for the selfish. I finally told my brother what I wanted to do with my life ( really he did most of the talking) and his response was 80/20 in favor of taking the safe way in life. At first I didn't know how to feel, if I was disappointed on his response or relieved to finally hear what he had to say. The only conclusion I could come up with is that it feels good to become a Man. I prefer to choosing my destiny and deciding what I want to do with my life. Life is too Short

Just Do it

RIP - Mommy -Regina Jenkins & My brother - Tyrone Howard


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Time Management

Today I feel like nothing got accomplish. I don't feel like i handle my business or time correctly. I sent a email or two, but quite a few people haven't return my calls. It not like they owe me money, all I'm asking is that they just return phone calls, emails or text messages. Staying up late doesn't help either when nothing is on the agenda. I can go on and on but it's getting late see you later Alligator...............

After while Crocodile

The time keeper

Monday, January 3, 2011

No Worries About A Thing

Today was a very weird day, I was bout to get tight @ my situation but i didn't. My truck conked out on me right before i arrived to get it serviced. In the meanwhile I'm thinking while my father and I are pushing @ the fastest speed that the law allows. Two officers give us a push with their squad car to the mechanic shop. Then the mechanic gave jump and diagnostic all for free, he telling me this crazy ass price to fix it all (i think he said just said that to get rid of us hmmmnnn ). I immediately told him thank u and good bye, my truck ain't worth all that money to be investing that type of cash in. As I reached to call my angel on the earth the idea of the junk yard became so clear and @ that moment I realized their's a solution to everything. Some solutions you may not like but they very necessary.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Did any thing change from yesterday?

Of course a couple of opportunities came up today...... Yeah, but the work ethic has too increase! I have a lot of work to do and all the time to concentrate on it. NO EXCUSES!

(Short and Sweet Version today) and poof I'm gone

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New yEar!

First thing first happy new year! 2011 I will blog once every day,
twit more than 5 times in a day and write on facebook for the entire
year. I've never been the type to share so much of myself. 2011 is a
big year for me, I've decided to leave a stable job to live my
destiny. Some may say I'm crazy to do it in this market but I think
it's crazy to live life in fear. When the only thing is inevitable is
death. So why not live life to its fullest.
The Man the called Sphere